Kathleen Chase, Maine State Representative

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thank you, Wells voters

Thank you, Wells voters

To the Editor (York County Coast Star):

Thank you for again electing me as your representative to our Maine State Legislature. It is an honor to serve you. Your support and encouragement during this election was deeply appreciated and I eagerly look forward to representing my home town a second time in Augusta.

I also want to extend my sincere gratitude to my team for assisting me in running a successful, positive campaign. My opponent, Fred Houle, who also shares a love for Wells, was a hard-working competitor and "hats off" to him and his team for a fair and balanced run for office.

A lower tax burden through reduced spending and a more efficient state government, creating a better business environment in Maine to increase jobs in Maine, Health Care insurance costs, energy alternatives and our immediate state budget shortfalls will be our very demanding agenda over the next two years.

My commitment to you is to work hard for a more responsible fiscal policy for our state — just as all of us have to do in our own personal lives.

Let me know what you think! info@kathleendchase.com

Rep. Kathy Chase
Wells District #147


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