Kathleen Chase, Maine State Representative

Thursday, July 12, 2007

New Laws to Affect Maine Drivers:

New laws were enacted that will affect drivers on Maine’s highways and roadways this fall. One will prohibit drivers who are younger than 18 years old from using a mobile phone or hand-held device while operating a motor vehicle. A $50 fine will be levied for a first offense and a $250 fine will be issued for subsequent offenses.

Another will make the failure to wear a seat belt a primary offense. This means that a law enforcement officer will be able to stop and cite a driver solely for failure to wear a seat belt. Currently, drivers can only be fined for a seat belt infraction if they are stopped for another offense. This new law will keep the current fine structure of $50 for a first offense, $125 for the second offense and $250 for subsequent offenses.

The Legislature also authorized a new specialty license plate. The “We Support our Troops” plate will feature those words and a yellow ribbon. Money raised from the specialty plate will benefit the families of troops serving overseas.

An unpopular law has been repealed that required insurers to notify the State when a motorist’s insurance policy had lapsed or was canceled, resulting in a suspension of the motorist’s registration. Often people who merely changed insurers had their registration suspended until they notified the State that they had a new policy.

Kathy ChaseDistrict #147

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